I realized that a lot of my posts have been just milemarkers of view counts, and that any readers who come to my blog won't give a care. So I apologize for the number of those, and I promise those will stop, until I reach my goals of 1,500, and then later, 2,000. Then we'll see from there.
But so this post actually has a purpose, I decided to also vent my feelings about how brilliant Steven Moffat is. More so than Joss Whedon. This is mostly stemming from a debate I had with a friend over Facebook. Though, it was, all things considered, kind of a pathetic debate, just because I didn't really go all out, I was mostly stating my opinions. Anyways...I had posted:
There are people I know who will want to punch me for saying this, but...Steven Moffat is a million times more brilliant than Joss Whedon. Hands down.
So I had a friend, an avid fan of Joss Whedon, post and say she had to fight herself to post something actually civil in response, but that she had to respectfully disagree. I responded and said that that was because she'd never seen anything Steven Moffat had done, a fact I knew very well. I've tried to get her into Doctor Who, but she hasn't gotten past the first season, so she thinks the show sucks. And in the first season, it kind of does...anyways, she asked me if I'd seen Buffy or Dr. Horrible. Honestly, Dr. Horrible is one of my favorite things ever, but I could care less for Buffy. I watched about three and a half seasons of Buffy, and loved those first three and a half seasons, but then it just got...weird. And then when I really thought about it, I found how lame and cheesy so much of it was. My friend argues that there are deep hidden messages in the episodes of Buffy, and you have to get past what the show, and the individual episodes, are about, in order to get to the message, which is the good part. But my problem with that is a) I didn't like or appreciate the messages Buffy sent, b) they weren't presented very well, or even very subtly, and were in general, poorly done, and c) I don't want to have to look past what it's all about to get to something remotely good.
While Doctor Who, in general, but particularly Steven Moffat's episodes and writing, don't try to push hidden messages down your throat, but are good by simply being. And then Steven writes little subtleties into the story, like the Doctor coming to Amy in the forest, after the Big Bang 2, or River's whole story, or how the silence was mentioned back in season 4, that just make you go, oh my gosh, you're freaking brilliant. And Steven Moffat comes up with brilliant monsters: The Silence, the Vashta Nerada, the Weeping Angels...you know, the three monsters in contention for scariest monsters of all time...And then he wrote the finales to season 5 and season 6, where there was the jump forwards and backwards in time with Eleven, while wearing a fez and carrying a mop in 5, and then the finale to 6, where...wait, I can't spoil it. But suffice it to say, it was freaking brill. It beats everything I saw in nearly 4 seasons of Buffy, and everything I know comes after where I stopped...Steven Moffat is also skilled at nicely building and developing characters within a single episode, evident in Blink, where he made us love two characters we only had 40 minutes to get to know.
And don't even get me started on Sherlock. Which is insanely brill. And I'm in love with Watson, especially the guy who plays Watson. Just...brill. So brill.
He's pretty brill. That's my new word, by the way. I'm trying to be more British in my speech, so I refer to fish sticks as fish fingers, and I'm trying to get used to called french fries chips. Brill is also a British thing, or so I've heard (from people who are British), and it's short for brilliant. Brill.
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